The Venue

 Mánfa, Hungary

Accommodation and meals:

In order to provide a peaceful environment to engage with the texts participants will be accommodated in the Mánfa Retreat Centre and Creative House. The Centre provides basic accommodation in single or double rooms and ample spaces for gathering and reading together. 

As it is a retreat centre, there is no WiFi network available but we are working on establishing a basic Internet connection for the duration of the workshop. 

Meals are going to be provided by our specially contracted caterers who will prepare and serve the best of Hungarian cuisine, offering both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options.

Travel to Mánfa:

The Retreat Centre is in close proximity of Pécs, one of the largest cities of Hungary, therefore easily accessible from Budapest Airport. We recommend the following service providers, who regularly drive passengers between Budapest Airport and Pécs in their mini vans:

From Pécs, participants will be driven to Mánfa in the minibus of the Retreat Centre. 


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